What is 5 1/7 as a decimal?

The mixed number 5 1/7 as a decimal is equal to 5.142857


Calculate 5 1/7 as a decimal

To convert the mixed number 5 1/7 into a decimal number, you can follow these steps:

First, convert the fractional part 1/7 to decimal form by dividing the numerator by the denominator: 1 ÷ 7 ≈ 0.1428571428...

Then, add the resulting decimal to the integer part of the mixed number: 5 + 0.1428571428...

1 ÷ 7 + 55.1428571428...

Alternatively, you can convert mixed numbers to improper fractions first and then convert the improper fraction to a decimal. The calculation formula is as follows:


Therefore, 5 1/7 is approximately equal to the decimal 5.1428571428... If a specific number of decimal places is required, rounding to 5.14 would be appropriate.

See also: 5 1/7 as an improper fraction

Examples of decimal to fraction calculations