What is 2 1/10 as an improper fraction?

The mixed number 2 1/10 written as an improper fraction is 21/10


Convert 2 1/10 as an improper fraction

To turn the mixed number 2 1/10 into an improper fraction, use these simple steps:

First, multiply the whole number by the denominator of the fractional part: 2 × 10 = 20.

After that, add the result to the numerator of the fractional part: 20 + 1 = 21.

Next, Write the sum of the previous step on the original denominator: 21/10.

2 × 10 + 1/10

This means that 2 1/10, as an improper fraction, equals 21/10.

See also: 2 1/10 as a decimal

Examples of decimal to fraction calculations